Seriously??? Seriously???
So I'm browsing the latest and greatest news stories this morning and I run across the article in the link below.
Basically the article is about a woman that posed as a plastic surgeon and was charged with practicing without a license. So sounds fairly normal, not TOO over the top...but wait - we aren't done there!! The whole thing takes place in Idaho, so there is the first thing to raise a red flag (or should it be a pink flag in honor of saving boobies??) Then I read that she was a transgendered, which I'm down with - Rebecca is hip to everyone marching to their own drummer. So as I'm thinking that he/she is a bad person for pretending to be a Doctor, I read that these "exams" happened in a bar.....Yes ladies and gentleman - IN A BAR!!!
Seriously??? I mean what idiot things getting ANY kind of medical advice in a BAR is a good thing? I mean we've all cried in our beer or cosmopolitan at the bar over lost love, family troubles, a boss we can't stand - and we might even take a scrap of advice from the cute, caring bartender that is listening to us yammer on only because he or she wants a good tip after we are done drowning our sorrows. But would anyone in their right mind, even in Idaho think that getting any medical advice in a bar is a smart choice?
I am hoping that the two females that reported this issue were so drunk that they were confused at first if this was a Girls Gone Wild video, or truly an exam from a Doctor. When asked, the individuals that reported this said they thought she was a real Doctor because "she had an impressive medical vocabulary and discussed surgical procedures like liposuction and breast augmentation." HUH? Oh please - I know plenty of gay men that can use fancy vocabulary about botox, waxing and penis sizes - but you wouldn't assume they are Proctologists!?!?!
Lastly, the name that this woman gave her said "clients" was Dr. Berlyn Aussieahshowna - for starters, the last name sounds like she was trying to say a REAL name and was drunk and slurred it into some long ass name. And did you notice that jumbled up in all that alphabetical mess the word SHOW is in there??? Yep - I don't think that was a mistake, I think good 'ol Dr. Feelgood was having some fun with her potential customers and trying to give them a hint that they were "showing" their goods, and not getting them "examined" - BIG DIFFERENCE. When you are at Mardi Gras, you don't EXAM your breasts for SHOW them. So tisk, tisk to the bar patrons that didn't catch that little subliminal item!
So while poor, confused, sexually frustrated Kristina is in jail with a $100,000 bond on her pretty little he/she head, these incredibly stupid, drunk ass women that "showed" their goods to her are out running free as birds spilling their stupidity all over the place for others to fall victim of. What trouble will they get into next? Maybe letting a teenage boy at the local burger joint give them their yearly gyno checkup because he "sounds like a Dr." by using big words like Vagina, speculum or pap smear??
And that's the latest from Rebecca - keeping it real
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